Friday, December 12, 2008

Bullets - random thoughts

  • Since Saturday, I have had: 7 rehearsals, 2 performances, and will have 3 more rehearsals and 3 more performances by Sunday night. The idea of this makes me stressed, but actually playing/conducting/performing that much makes me well
  • Cantata practice yesterday went very well. Good practice = bad performance. Fortunately, we have another practice on Saturday to screw up before Saturday night's performance!
  • Band practice on Wednesday night went pretty well. Not great. So, that means that Sunday's concert will be good!
  • I am sick of picking up after people and tired of teenagers not obeying my rules
  • I just got my unexpected Christmas bonus. I am thinking of splurging on a Mac Book (it won't pay for the whole thing, but a good part of it!)
  • My meds are clearly not working. Appointment today to address it (see bullet #4)
  • I've also put in 29 hours at one job and 8 hours at the other this week
  • Maybe there is a god, because we were supposed to have sleet all day yesterday, which would have meant cancelling rehearsal last night, but it didn't start until late
  • I wish my husband would spend less time on facebook and more time putting our basement back in order
  • I worked things out with my friend
  • I am having a dear friend over tonight with her young kids to decorate gingerbread houses. That is something to get me through today!

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