Monday, January 12, 2009

What was that I was just saying?

Today I am feeling an almost overwhelming sense of anxiety. I am not sure where it is coming from, nor do I know why it seems so acute right now. Things are going fine, mostly. But damn there is this nagging, pit in my stomach, heart racing feeling that just won't go away.
Some things that are spinning in my head:

Unresolved discussion with my husband last week that definitely needs to continue but that I am certain he doesn't want to continue

My car...oh my car.

My feet are frozen from driving in my car this morning

My son's ride forgot him this morning, which meant I had to take him to school, which means I was an hour late for work

My family got me a nano for my birthday, which I love, but which I don't really need so I feel guilty about having it

My daughter is not a very attentive student and I don't know how to make her care more without upsetting her

I think my son really needs....something. Meds? therapy? new parents? to address his inability to focus

I have to return an email to someone that I really don't want to

Both bands are starting back up this week and I am having anticipatory anxiety, even though once I get there it is fun and I am fine.

Stupid stupid things.

Nothing is really WRONG.

So why the pounding heart?

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