Monday, November 3, 2008


Mid-June I realized that my feelings of being "on edge" and general irritability, especially towards the kids, were not normal. I started on an SSRI, and within days, felt much better. I had a few side effects that were intolerable, one that I thought was tolerable. I tried another SSRI, the intolerable side effects went away, but the other one did not. Then, that one didn't seem tolerable any more. So I weaned myself off the SSRI and in conjunction started a new medication.
The side effect finally went away last week, after my taper was done.

But, I am now more irritable and edgy than I have felt in a while. I don't know what to do about it.
I cannot go back on the SSRI, this I know. So I need to find something else to take the edge off.

It is a big bummer.

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